Borobudur Temple is The Most Atractive Destination of Tour Indonesia
Borobudur Temple: Tour Indonesia |
This attraction object lies precisely in the region of Central Java Borobudur Village - District of Borobudur, Kab. Magelang - Central Djawah, about 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta, 7 km south of the city of Magelang.
Borobudur Temple is a magnificent building and attached to the vast history that has a square base of about 15129 square meters, with a building height of 35 meters, while the original height of 42 meters including a section chattra.
Borobudur Temple has a very different design to the temple - the other temples in Indonesia. The temple was built on a hill, not on a flat surface. Inside the temple is not found room for the ritual of worship in the temple - other temples. There are only rows of long narrow corridor bounded terraced temple walls. When viewed closely, Borobudur is like a pyramid in general, but what distinguishes this temple terraces - steps. The temple without this room is trusted by society as a building that is intentionally designed to places of worship.